Sunday 26 July 2015

Protein Synthesis

Beyond Core
To write an mRNA sequence from a given DNA strand.
To simply explain protein synthesis including transcription and translation.
Can provide an overview of protein synthesis including both transcription and translation. Successfully sequence an mRNA for the amino acid produced
Can describe protein synthesis using diagrams and correct terminology and summarise the Human Genome Project.
Describe a major finding of the Human Genome Project in regards to mapping chromosomes.
Worksheet 1Worksheet 1
Images sheet
Worksheet 2
Images sheet
+ explanation of HGP+ major finding discussion

Worksheet 2

PROTEIN (amino acid chain)SYNTHESIS (Formation of a whole)

Last week we realised that DNA contains the unique genetic information for an organism. 

This unique information is stored as genes that are contained within a chromotid (single chromosome).

So for each gene, a unique set of instructions are contained.

The gene contains the instructions for making a specific protein.

To make a protein, two processes occur:

1. Transcription of the DNA strand to create an mRNA strand (unzip and copy)
2. Translation of the mRNA strand to create a protein (read and form)

Watch the following video and notes have been included underneath it.

Video: Protein synthesis

Transcription - like steps of a recipe being given and organised into the correct order

RNA Polymerase attaches to the DNA and moves along to unzip the DNA
free bases attach to the exposed DNA nucleotides to form an mRNA
mRNA moves out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm

Translation - like reading the recipe to create a meal

Ribosomes bind to the mRNA
Ribosome reads a codon (3 bases) at a time and attracts the specific tRNA
The tRNA bonds to the mRNA and delivers a specific amino acid
The amino acid bonds to a growing chain of amino acids
As the amino acid bonds to the chain, the tRNA detaches from the mRNA and floats back into the cytoplasm.

Once the last amino acid is added, it detaches from the ribosome and folds to form the protein.

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